Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We Got No Need Fer Fekin Readin

1 of 7 American adults find anything more advanced than children’s books to be very challenging – nces.ed.gov, 2009.
Lissen, I got no need ta read cuz I gotta smartphone ta look up any kinda stuff I gotta know about
The register makes change for me at my job so WTF do I need to know how to do like math for
Hey, spellin just aint importent in this modern world were tweetin on thru
Oh, right, like I might need ta read subtitles on some boring and stupid forin movie

Proud ta say we don’t own nonea them useless books, cept the King James – not emen a checkbook
Well, just what would I read anyways, some wack liberal NYTimes or NPR government fake news?
No sir, ta keep up ta date on them libral schemes, we’ll jest keep her locked right here on the Fox
Like I munna sedown and read that 15 page legal docament contract ta my iPhone: Nobody else does

Yup, we signed that mortgage - but it was all jest a packa legal lies and fraud we dinit really get
But there aint nonea that fineprint in the bible so all that’s just the devil’s handiwork ta be ignored
You just ax anybody, them sientists is a buncha sissy geeks whatre so way outta touch with reality
But I got thousandsa sports satistcs regardin my belovd home team right up here & at my fingertips

Ta me, litercy today means knowin how ta runa touch screen and such
And everbody knows ya sure don’t need yearsa schoolin ta sort out the hogwash comin outta google
That is, my criticel thinkin skeels don’t rely on some backbonea school book learnin ta work right
Look, you just back off, I can read any restrint menu I might actually want to…

So, ya see it jest aint important to are lifestyle if my kids test out behind like them whateffin Finns
But I’ll be happy ta swap soundbites with them yella-belly librels - or small arms fire fer that matter
The real men I watch in HD don’t set there readin and shit, they bend down in tights and get after it
And as fer writin - now just what on god’s green earth is that supposed ta actuelly be for?

You can take yer grammer, spellin and whatever punktuation and u just go see how far it gets u
After all, too much lernin jest destroys a guys good god-given common sense, aint ya seen?
Enaways, I got an app that’ll read eny stuff I really need - right out loud ta me
Really, getting us ta read all the time is jest one waya gettin our attention offa ther socialist plots

I don’t hafta like like do the math on my job and they aint payin me ta read no gotdam books, ether
Hey I can read the numbers on my Lotto tickets good enough to know that it’s better luck next time
And who really gives a shit about them whatever hunrert or so ingreedints in abaga Doritas, anyway?
Watchin shit blow up in HD is way more stimulatin than settin all quiet in some corner just readin

Enaways, if you caint get it ta fit it inta a 30 second soundbite you aready lost my attintion
Alla them collige gradu8ts workin over ta that elitist Starbucks aint needin ta read nothin, so there
And ya know, it aint plitically correct or HUD-Approved ta favor bookworms over us common folks
Readins just about as importent as stuff like that BS recicling, and theyll hafta pay me ta do that too

Hey they aint denyin unqualified LBGT, handycapped wimmen acolor promotions cuz theys illiterate
Now look, Don’t ya think if readin was so dam vital that I’d already know about it?
Busides, alla them installation instructions was translated by hindis from whatever chinese nonsense
Enaway, I really caint make out anya them little-teeny squiggles and I caint afford no gotdam glasses

Monday, April 28, 2014

Heaven On Earth for Fox and Friends

How it could be, out from under their fredom smotherin elitist conspearacy
Everbodyd be fingerin concealed weapons in all public places, lookin out ta pincushion some shootr
That overreachin EPA’d be jest a bad memory that caint hobble our blessed family lifestyles no more
You wutnt never hear no more fool harpin on the fictshunal evilsa doublemeat bacon cheeseburgers
Gas’d be an affordable $2 a gallon like it rightly auter be in a truly freed-up dumestic energy market

Foopball would last all year long and we won’t be dippin no brocolli or carrots with our Doritas
Government wouldn’t be subsidizin wimpy hybrids over gutsy diesel family pickups no way - no more
We’d give back stolen federal lands ta the people – big oil, real estate men and ATV adventurers
Alla our leaders’d make big decisions, like destroyin them islamic fanatics, with ther saviours counsel

We’d swap out their elementary school hands-on sex-ed manuals fer copysa school prayers & bibles
A free, unObamacared marketplace would see ta the healtha all our people, with utmost efficiency
Wacko protesters against such as mountain top removal coal mining would be given firehose therapy
Dope smokers’d be pilloried nexta neighborhood bars tabe spit on or kicked by patriotic alcoholics

Boys, that NPR & PBS’d be shutdown faster than you kin spout a single Fair and Balanced soundbite
We’d hustle the US outta that lame one world UN and get it way the hell outta this fair land of ours
Our borders would be secured but employers could still mistreat and cheat throwaway illegal workers
The gument’d get right outta the binessa species preservation, pollution control & CO2 nonsense

Alla them moochers’d be shoved off welfare, disablility, unemployment, food stamps & medicaid
No more ragging BS gov’t ads about cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, exercise or blood pressure
Bush & Cheney’d be right up there, on Mt Rushmore with Reagan and Trump and them other heroes
We’d sure enough end that lameass reinterduction and kill alla them shittin wolves & grizzlies – agin!

All of us’d get free rEfIs with lowered principal and interest rates sos we kin tap some more equity
Them spotted owls, blind desert pupfish and such crap would hafta adapt ta progress or move out
That sin of sodomy would be treated just like the bible says it should – without no medical benefits
We’ll all be filled with ignorant pride parrotin canned soundbites and forwardin unquestioned tweets

Heroic CEOS’ll bring in them good-payin jobsa tomorrow which they promised when they offshored us
We’ll all be kickin global warmin ass just by adjustin down our patriotically coal-fired A/C units
Our dEfense would finally be rebuilt after decades of cowardly peacenik liberal decimation
Alla them minorties would finally see how ther innerests line rite up with old white republican men

They’d be no more talk regardin the rightsa souless cows, pigs & chickens ta whatever like dignity
That silly reciclying nonsense would surely be just a funny memory, same as them lame snowflakes
Everbody will agree that there organic crap was just a spensiv, bad-tasting, not-too-nutritious scam
We’ll all recognize that clean water, air and shit are god-given rights that don’t need no regelatin

That Arab obama would not only be known as the worst president but he’ll still be in jail fer treason
Wouldn’t have ta worry bout them traiterous socialists getting they hands on our medicare no more
Wont hear no more talk about raisin taxes on the brave entrepeenurs who create the jobs fer alla us
Private inerprize’ll build any new roads, bridges, waterworks, sewers and such what we may need

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Keepin Our Priorities Straight

Today, the country pays the price for the left-wing ideologies that ran rampant in the 20th century – The American Conservative
Not wastin no funds like rebildin old bridges, failin sewers, bad roads, lektrik grids & water supplies
Gotta shove them illegales back without no amnesty but I sure aint gonna go pick that gotdam brocolli
Aint inerested in hearin about like shattered ecasystems cause they ain’t hurt me none at all
But orchestrated celebrity wardrobe malfunctions are definitely worth menshinin…quite often

Not even gonna consider their wacko BS bout some looming global fresh water shortage craptrap
Now, the threata gun control…That’s somethin we always gotta be perpetchile on alert for
You can jest STF-up yer fact-fudgin, elitist, global warmin power grab, ya traitrus libral snowflakes
But we do need ta hurryup & get them moochers off medicaid, unemploymint, foodstamps & disabilty

CorproAg dead soil, antibiotics, fertilizer & pesticide abuse, GMOs & water waste are jest irrevelent
Now then, let’s set down and talk foopbawl stats - and ax me how my fantasy league picks are doin
Yr bogus human-caused mass estintion is bout as critical ta me as the bugs smashed on my winshield
More importntly, I’m busy decidin shud I buy a new jetski, snowmachine, ATV, RV or a dirtbike next

The dignitya factory meat and the proper treatment of ther wastes aint no parta my buyin decisions
Damn straight we gotta stop teachin this unproven evilution over god’s absulute lawr of creationism
Aint no fairytale NewAge sustainabilly dopesmoke gonna affect my next vote, none at all, whatsoever
I do wanna know when them good jobsa tamarra they promised when they offshored us are comin in

Unending goverment shutdown crises are gonna earn us some real political victerys real soon now
Busides, the most important thing is ta make sure our libral enemies don’t get nethin done at all
We’ll take viralized soundbites over their shady and twisted so-called scientific satistics, anytime
Its vital ta spend more time studyin cell plans & credit card rates than on boring like retirement plans

I aint doin that wack reciclin crap unlest and until they start paying me ta do it - like they shud
Them quiet overpriced habrids are fer them meterosexuls and such. Me & my Ram-tough hemi rule.
That big shit called the Dead Spot the Mississippi takes with our toxins in the Guf aint on my radar
Leaders gotta talkta ther personal saviors when makin such decsions as liberatin them evil califates

The healtha this country aint measured by the cunditiona them convenient sewers, AKA our rivers
Everbudy knows that like GDP and the Unemployment numbers are the real measuresa our progress
Mountain top removal and power plant mercury emissions aint rightly parta any bill fer coal-fired A/C
Chicken crap from squeezed producers that’s killin chesapeake bay oysters don’t even matter to me

Jest cuz u caint go swimmin or eat the fish yer kids catch aint no reason ta get all like preturbed
Keepin in mind that this overpopelation myth flys right in the facea gods order ta go out and multiply
Gotta get ridda socialist entitlements cuz they just stimulat them multi-generational welfare queens
We got no use fer this dam obamacare cuz we already get our healtcare fer free - Down to the ER!

Absulutly hafta get the gumint outta our biness but sniffin at all them emails, tweets & shit: A-OK!
It’s a sure thing that if it takes a collige dugree ta read it, it just aint worth knowin about enaway
Don need no gov’t nannyin on what ta eat and specially not ther lame meddlin junk about exercisin
Jest keep them 12 candy, salty snack & frozen treat aisles…and get that freerange shit outta my way

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Oh Yeah, It’s Gods Will All Right

"God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform."
There is a reason they walk barefoot thru muddy, trash-paved streets lugging tainted drinking water
Those devastated by huge floods can take heart knowing their suffering is all part of His greater plan
Of course there’s meaning to lives snuffed out without any dignity by failing trains, and rolling buses
Totally bereft earthquake victims can take solace in the fact that it all has a purpose and a meaning

Mothers of suicide bombers are comforted knowing their boys relax with 72 virgins “up” in paradise
The mass extinction we are causing is but a small part of the inscrutable will of our all-knowing God
Why only the greedy and sociopathic arise to lead us shall be revealed in the full richness of time
My diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis and COPD are but tiny pieces in an infinitely large picture

That billions must struggle just to survive on a dollar a day is but a small part of a beautiful mystery
The apparent emptiness of lives ended in filthy nursing home helplessness and fear is an illusion
Their targeting innocent schoolgirls with AK-47s and suicide vests will actually make sense in the end
There’s no need to be concerned that our ordained fruitful multiplication devastates this tiny planet

There is rhyme and reason in using bulldozers to bury mutilated corpses of the collaterally damaged
Our treating of the beasts of the fields as bulk factory raw material inputs requires no justification
Dying forests, drying rivers and spreading deserts are hints from an infinite incomprehensible wisdom
Smothering in O.D.’d vomit, cold, wet and dirty in a garbage-strewn alley is simply one isolated clue

He has led them to forsake scientific research to instead build complex, yet flawed financial scams
It’s God’s Will that his messengers on earth seduce children & perform sodomy, though both are sins
Killing for peace should not be a cause for confusion in our hearts - as will someday be made clear
Why our omnipotent God needs to test us though he already knows all results, stays beyond our grasp

We can only solve His cosmic riddle regarding our existence with a blind leap into deep religious faith
Certainly there is no need to question why He chose only us as His exceptional people on this earth
There is a hidden purpose to my watching football 16 hours a week and discussing stats another 10
He has a plan for the homeless so I ignore them daily and besides, I tithe weekly at my mega-church

God won’t command me to recycle and Jesus never preached of lowering consumption or energy use
Meddling with divine climate change is actually an act of human arrogance, far too full of our hubris
He commands we topple evil regimes which are actually the bedeviled client states of His false gods
It’s God’s will that those recruiting suicide bombers remain alive to gather new martyrs for His glory

Don’t fret over why my child chews lead-based paint chips while yours lives 99.9% bacteria free
There’s a far deeper meaning to blowing up occupied girls schools than it is now ours to be privy to
Mother’s lying senseless in her own wastes for many years of dementia must not sway our deep faith
With His silent pre-approval they scan our vapid tweets, texts, emails, cell calls and facebook posts

Under his plan I segued seamlessly from unemployment to disability and thence to my social security
That He chose lives of ignorance, poverty and suffering for them but not me is not mere random fate
So you see, we don’t have to ask why we alone are the entitled and exceptionist people of this world
We can sleep peacefully knowing that it’s all simply a small part of God’s perfect and mysterious plan

Friday, April 11, 2014

Misguided Socialist Complaints:SAD!

    “I am telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder” - Matthew 5:22
That fat, lazy Texan smoking in his oversize truck with the windows up in the grocery store fire lane
The jetskis, snowmobiles, ATVs, jeeps and dirtbikes behind fatass RVs with hot tubs and generators
Some useless former actor-politician pimping seniors reverse mortgage scams with a con artist smile
That libertarian free speecher with his truck window decal showing himself pissing on our President

Those so terribly clever sales tactics silently decreasing sizes 20%, but not yet raising the price
Congress and the president taking August off as well as only working 2.5 days/wk with job security
The fact that Bush will soon be a hero notwithstanding all their so-stupid lies and so many deaths
Another clueless redneck spraying 150 decibels out the jacked up giant pickup he can’t even afford

All those stories you don’t see anywhere else and all those you’ll never see on the Fair and Balanced
Bribed opinion leaders trusting only in Jeeesus, smugly certain that climate change science is a scam
Programmed talking heads whose continued employment hinges totally on their pissing people off
A corporate stock rising and its furtive CEO’s bonus increasing - On the great news of more big layoffs

Hearing for 20 minutes that “your call is very important to us, please stay on the line for the next...”
Having that nice person say they don’t make the rules - and that nobody you can talk to does, either
Ram-tough truck owners who struggle just to get up off the couch to fetch more Cheetos and beer
Angry illiterates ready to bomb the shit out of people and places they can’t spell or find on a map

Seeing lower class whites vote for their republican outsourcers who view them as entitled moochers
Paying $100 a month for the 2 channels the kids watch 15 minutes a day but keep on on 24x7
Spending months playing gov’t shutdown brinksmanship while everything else remains totally ignored
Government forced into spanish by slimy politicians just looking for votes: Europeans never got that

A narrow focus on GDP and Employment %s over the natural systems that foster their very existence
Reading daily new reports about the current man-made mass extinction that enables our progress
Seeing that the only action on climate change is to slice up the thawed arctic for resource extraction
Corpros draining ancient aquifiers for free and letting it mostly evaporate, sprayed into the hot wind

Those whose incessant, mindless mantra is “The US is ThE Greatest Country on Earth, USA-USA-USA!”
Hearing cretins who can’t read menus spout ‘Only Here can you get rich by yer own hard work alone’
Being told over and over again that competition gives us ThE finest healthcare system on thE planet
The certainty that our constitution is the holy grail, handed down to our forefathers by almighty god

Having a responsibility to babysit the Muslim world while everbody else just sits back and criticizes
65 year old, part-time doctors “earning” $200k a year with full benefits whose patients make $8/hr
Falsely trumpeting expiration of tax cuts for their 1% donors as ThE largest tax increase in history
The zero-sum game of replacing a good old boy network with various minority empowerment groups

The Catholics refusing to ordain women while coddling pedophiles and dressing oh, so openly gay
SUVs & P/Us idling obesely in drivethrus for that arterial sludge AKA bacon-double-cheeseburgers
Ruggedly independent welfare ranchers decimating federal wetlands and demanding predator control
Leadership that consists of wearing suits and reading speeches tuned for the latest voter opinion poll

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wrong But Real, Right But Imaginary

No one should perish in shocking and horrible trauma but, realistically, that will never stop occurring
Lives of exemplary sacrifice must certainly find their reward, but throughout history, they have not
We seem genetically programmed to make sense of things tho far too often there is none to be found
Cruel dictators should justly be punished in the end, but mostly they die peacefully, in their sleep

Keepers of the true faith should not be financially and sexually corrupt, but that will never change
We put off many things until we have more time but, guess what: They will remain forever undone
No innocent child should suffer cruelly from a malignancy, but it is statistically certain that she will
It seems like all men should be created equal yet it will always be, but for His grace that, There I go

Its unquestionably wrong that our seniors are targeted for scams but someone’s always ready to do it
Clearly those who take care of themselves should enjoy long healthy lives, yet often they die young
Our minds evolved to seek reason and meaning in all events, but then god works in mysterious ways…
Corporate success should require higher moral standards, but most top CEOs are empty sociopaths

Those in positions of trust and control must never violate their charges, yet it only happens every day
No one denies that the elderly should be stores of wisdom but we simply discard them as irrelevant
It’s not right for us to mortgage our children’s futures on temporary pleasures but we just can’t stop
The rich should find comfort in their wealth, but only getting richer satisfies them – and just briefly

You shouldn’t treat your mother and sisters as saints and all other women as whores, but you do!
Certainly virtue must be its own reward but all too often that reward is simply poverty and scorn
Amoral greed should not be a prerequisite to financial success, but you need only look up the ladder
Years of allegiance to some sports franchise should be rewarded by a championship: That was a joke

Good products should not require lies and exaggeration to sell but since everybody else does it…
Assuredly lives of pious and long-suffering poverty yield a place in God’s house. Right...sure they do
Darling little boys would never torture kittens but guess what…they also mature into mass shooters
Noble scientists do not fudge data or results but BigPharma studies are quite often rigged in advance

Banks shouldnt hedge against deliberately bad funds they sell to their clients, but they’ll do it again
Happiness should be independent of phony marketing media stereotypes but, sadly for us, it is not
Religion should never be used to rationalize hatred and violence, however, that’s what they all do
The rains should come and the snows should fall but depressingly, now we see it’s not true anymore

Hungry gold miners should never poison the land with mercury but still...It is the cheapest way
Newborn fawns should get a chance to get on their feet, yet if a predator should see them…
Bankruptcy must not be a way to more easy credit but just take a look at your moocher neighbors
We like to think we’ll live happily ever after but often we die very soon after our forced retirement

It’s not fair that women cannot preach while abstinent priests enjoy each other and their choir boys
The blessed free market should prevent demand-driven extinctions but instead that’s what it fosters
You should have time for the important things you’ve always put off but most die senile and drugged
The evil and immoral is often the reality while the moral, good and right is just a snowflake’s tale

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

White Men To The Rear

Sir excuse me, Sir! could you please not be so loud? It makes us all so nervous we simply cannot think
You must learn to give equal opportunity so we can take our fair places, so, you just get to the back
Wait, wait, wait – Is that a handicapped non-veteran back there? Send him up if he’s vegan and quiet
Gays step forward, you’re coming up front with us - to remake the world in a more fashionable image

We don’t need to work 60 hr weeks to get ahead for we must attain a balanced life with equal pay
No, you dont get disability just cuz as a kid they always drugged you up ta make ya stay still in school
GaHead just ride off into the sunset with a 6Pack in ur ram tough truck - and dont bother comin back
Yeah, you better find meaning on yer Harley cuz you aint gonna get no satisfaction at work no more

You been in charge too long so you must just graciously step down…into impoverished minority status
Your good old boy network is racist and sexist, unlike empowerment groups for women, gays & blacks
Anyway, you do know damn well real men don’t go and whine at like whatever girly support meetings
Maybe that loud and doltish pride in your virgin ignorance will keep seeing you thru…or maybe not

You better start developing some kind of a handicap to ensure your place in our brave new workforce
After all, you cant pass the physical, mental or drug tests required to serve in our great armed forces
No, no! - Your obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol don’t count towards our handicap quota
There’s no money to retrain you cause we gotta teach english to your amnestied illegal replacements

You aint never been victimsa prejudice so thers no reason ta create new entitlement programs faya
And don’t you go try startin white men only like awareness groups or such you neo-nazi monsters
Better start takin classes in metrosexuality sos you can communicate properly with yer new superiors
You can sleep well knowing you contribute to social equality - By givin up a decent standard of living

You’re right - Taking on college debt would be a bad investment because you’ll be hired the very last
Yes, you must pay child support & lifetime alimony even though she makes way more than you do
You’ll be the last ones to get affordable dental care but you’ll always be on your own for your eyes
By the way, keep yer nasty football viewing habit to yourselves and out of polite office conversations

Get used ta suckin up ta bored, fat and feisty womenAcolor government welfare administrators
Don’t even think about goin on some shootin rampage, just put that gun in yer own mouth, in silence
No, we don’t want no novels depicting empty struggles after yer fall from an entitled redneck grace
Sure, you can still vote, gahead: Choose any from our progressive slate of truly entitled minorities

You done lazed, drank and swilled yerselves sick and now a loud and arrogant pride is all you got left
You been outbred and outhustled by unending wavesa job-stealin immigrints and single mothers
You stay with the Fox ta make outraged soundbite sensea this corrupt and unfairly rigged new system
Hey, Look - ya still got yer personal savior who kin explain alla them overcomplicated issues taya

Better get used ta findin meanin in housecleanin and satisfaction from coupon clippin & kid schleppin
Learn not to get mad when yer ignored, rejected, forgotten, blown off, put down and laughed at
Realize that yer kids start off behind but then wont get the chances that others just take for granted
Best you adopt that victim mentality and pick up on the pro-moocher mindset…just sos ta get by