Thursday, May 29, 2014

Don’t Worry About These Boring Facts

It’s OK...You can stay fixed solely upon unemployment, GDP, gun control, abortion and your next eGizmo
You needn’t ever ponder upon the fact that each gallon of gas you waste produces 19 pounds of CO2
Not to worry that NASA predicts irreversible collapse and the NSF warns of dire climate changes
Don’t be concerned that 80 thousand acres of rainforest and 135 species disappear, every single day
Your Timmie likely isn’t among the 535k American kids aged 1-5 who has brain-destroying lead levels

Forget about the fact that soil erosion from careless corporate farming costs $37.6 billion per year
That your kids rank 21st out of 23 developed countries in numeracy should not cause you to lose sleep
Its just alarmism when engineers say we must spend $3.6Tr by 2020 on boring infrastructure projects
Just keep ignoring the food animal holocaust that goes on out of sight and enjoy your factory chicken

Keep on watering your lovely bluegrass since that impending water shortage surely wont affect you
You have health insurance at work so you don’t even need to think about how much that care costs
You only have a couple drinks a day so the $223.5 billion yearly toll for alcohol abuse isn’t your issue
So what if 47 million Americans are on food stamps, it’s only like 1 out of 6 of all of us, anyway

You’re barely 10-15 pounds overweight so don’t be fussing over this whatever obesity epidemic
Don’t worry cause you rarely have time to exercise – you’re part of the 80% of us who never do
Should you be concerned just cause we toss 100 billion plastic bags after one use every year? Nah.
Like you should be upset that kids spend more time with tv & smart screens than on all school stuff

The disappearance of monarch butterflies & honey bees cannot possibly have a consequence for you
In terms of your life, the fact that 21% of US adults can’t read at a 5th grade level is quite immaterial
Just cause 97% of wacko climate scientists believe in that Global Warming scam doesn’t make it true
No need to get riled up about a little mercury from those patriotic coal-fired power plants in our fish

Don’t get upset just cause there’s all kinds of drug leftovers in our lakes, rivers and tap water, either
It’s no big deal if 36% of so-called baby-boomers now aged 55 and over have less than $10k saved up
No worries that the 14 million on disability don’t count as unemployed but cost us $260 billion a year
Look, don’t get all riled up just cause it costs $500 to get one stitch for a little cut at New York ERs

The $4-6Tr we will wind up spending on misguided MidEast crusades should not keep you up at night
Don’t stress out just because 1.372 billion people on earth must survive on less than $1 per day
Not to sweat the 22,000 homeless kids in that greatest of all the world cities - New York, NY USA

The 40% of Americans who believe in Creationism do not pose a threat to either you or the nation
Factory fleet overfishing & bycatch kill have no connection with your taste for AllUcanEat seafood
There’s really no need to panic just cause 95% of income gains from 2009-2012 went to that top 1%

Does your 24x7 eConnected family even care that now the design of your eToys has been outsourced?
It’s probably OK that al-Qaeda isn’t almost dead but, in fact, growing from africa across to asia
What do you care if the $19B/yr ivory smuggling business blows away cute Save The Rhino campaigns And, does it really affect your family at all that the US ranks 46th globally in freedom of the press?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I’m Afraid Of The Doctor...Bills

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies -
Just thinking about the OMG-size bills makes me so afraid I can’t even consider an appointment
I’ll hafta let this thing on my arm alone a while longer, maybe it’ll just go away on its own afterwhile
Last time both the insurance corp and my doctor quickly turned me over to a nasty collection agency
Now the ER bills me 3 times as much as they did before I lost all my coverage when I was offshored

I know I should be brave but I’m just scared of having to go bankrupt cause I cant pay my doctor bills
And I keep having to see these specialists making $400/hr who read my name so warmly in greeting
I want to be a big boy but the thought of financing an operation as costly as a house really scares me
But the dentist and the optometrist dont worry me - cause I won’t ever be visiting either of them

They always find new stuff & put me on more drugs while I keep garbage-gorging and never exercise
But we cut our health costs by skipping checkups and cutting back on the expensive tests & drugs
Besides, we fear if we use any benefits beyond our $20k deductible our insurance rates will double
Just let my crippled back wait cause Mom needs a new hip, cataract surgery and 14 different meds

It scares me cause the docs are above talking about what stuff costs and there’s no way to compare
So, that’s why I’m laying in bed awake at 3AM praying nervously that none of us gets sick tomorrow
I used to just be scared of gettng shots but now its healthcare-driven financial ruin that frightens me
And I know I cant become one of those greedy moochers always sniffing round for more entitlements

I quake like crazy just hearing that a $2000 5 minute ambulance ride is only a small billing appetizer
Cause once the doc is done and I’m at home, the true pain - that is, the financial pain - really begins
I remember how I trembled getting stitches - just like I shake now when another statement arrives
Oh, please don’t make me have to go to the doctor - cause I’m just so afraid it’ll break us for good

So now I just trust my atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and COPD to the Lord
I’m so stressed over my overdue treatment bills that I cant quit smoking or get off the Oxy, just yet
It’s just that TV says getting 1 stitch for a little cut costs like $4000 at the hospital - Oh shyte!
The kids ask me all the time about what dentists are for and where do people go to get those glasses

Thought I retired early without any debt but now I got this $1500/mo health insurance ARM mortgage
Workers get free, untaxed healthcare benefits but I cant even write off my after tax $ premiums…
The administrators cant even tell me if I’ll be covered til it’s over - but I am responsible if it’s not
To them it was just a minor medical coding error, but it completely ruined my credit rating for years

Anyways, our neighbor went to the hospital, picked up some superbug and never came home again
But, we’re lowering our expenses by decreasing the doses on all of our costly, lifesaving medications
I hearda this Affordable Care Act & I’ll tell ya, it looks a whole lot better than that dam Obamacare
And now with this gov’t healthcare takeover them freeloaders are takin up alla our doctors time

If I can just get on disability after unemployment, medicaid’ll kick in until I get on medicare at 65
Why, I might even consider startin some kina st00pid exercisin pogrom just ta save on medical bills
But no, I’m not givin up my place in the doublemeat drivethru fer no lameass kale & tofu sandwich
I can’t believe the nice doctor cut off my cancer treatments…just as soon as they bankrupted me

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Forgotten First Responders And Stressed Citizenry

I got stuck in some stupid accident traffic jam, had to call in late and so I missed our big meeting
Jelly-rolled an unconscious 330 pound guy out of the twisted wreckage of his shiny, giant pickup
Spilled some coffee on my tie and got so-stressed-out trying to clean it before the customers arrived
Did CPR on a poor little old lady for 20 minutes til she coded – I got so tired I thought it was me dying

Had to walk thru wind & rain all the way from the parking lot and my hair got all wet and messed up
Got face to face with a girl having problems breathing and we found out later we all need TB tests
Hung around work an extra hour again and the wife was mad cause I was late for dinner, once more
Today started 48 hours ago and we had calls throughout both nights but I’ve just got to stay sharp

Suffered thru conference calls all morning - sipping lattes and twerking with my phone
Ground my teeth with every step due to the unremitting pain from my job-induced back injuries
Had trouble getting fired up by our new strategic vision given the clear meaninglessness of our goals
Actually helped out a person during one of the worst days of their life, once again today…

Updated my lame project status, ate customer lunch leftovers & then ducked out 15 minutes early
Repeatedly sterilized the blood and vomit filling our ‘office’ to make way for the next unfortunate
Had to run a couple errands at lunch and was nearly deafened by those stupid sirens
Smacked a tortilla grease apartment fire in the mouth before it could engulf the 15 1-Bdr occupants

Got in a nice nap pretending to studiously ponder a Gannt chart during the after-lunch Sominex hour
Loudly toned out to a possible gas smell at 3AM just after I had managed to finally fall asleep again
Spent an hour piddling with paying off my maxed credit card using my 401K - on company time
Remained thankful I had these 3 jobs I work 96 hours a week that almost keep us in the middle class

Spent the evening enjoying the faux-luxury of my over-leveraged McMansion - by drinking heavily
Shared quarters with the 20 somethings playing videos & games all nite while I worried about my kids
Went straight to my manager when a co-worker got a newer and nicer office chair than mine
Wondered why everybody said they admired what we do, but why we can never find enough medics

Adroitly maneuvered responsibility (and blame) onto another old contractor nobody really liked
Got puked on by that hairy homeless frequent flyer drunk who always smells so badly of urine
Won big at video poker for the entire duration of that urgent project all-hands video conference call
Remembered too late that I had ignored a text from my kid just as we arrived on one more scene

Almost tripped over some useless begging moocher panhandling in front of the office building
Don’t wonder anymore why somebody in so much pain would explicitly beg just for hydrocodone
My poor feet got really sore from wearing those high-heels all day, once again
My body doesn’t know when it’s time to sleep anymore so I just roll with extreme energy drinks 24x7

Had to have whiskeys with the boys to cut the incredible stress of working in the finance industry
Learned that another burned out co-worker took a better-paying days only job in customer support
Was presented a lunch coupon for work on another useless, late, over-budget & incomplete project
Got a nice card from a family I couldn’t remember who we had extricated from a smashedup minivan

Friday, May 9, 2014

Grabbin fer gusto as I smelt them roses

Lost course in the currents of their waving sea of distortions, omissions, exaggerations and halftruths
Had another sudden & lifechanging inspiration as I sucked down the dregs of just one more cold drink
Heard the latest bad news walking the pocked & dirty streets once again, upon these tired old feet
Watched as leaders cagily evaded any blame by offloading all responsibility for their many failures

Tried to skip all the ads but the jingles kept playing inside my head til I soaked them up with vodka
Saw the lights of our great city from a hill, faroff & above all the dirt & noise, inside my ragged tent
Talked to my old dog about the man who had once beaten her so often, yet always so unexpectedly
Found myself once again sideslipping down the steep leading edge of yet another stupid trend curve

Held her hand for just a moment and felt her slip away – well, so much for our being forever together
Realized too late the meaninglessness of all the projects my managers pushed as so vitally important
Swam out past the breakers and saw things differently, rolling up and down on coolblue pacific swells
Just looking at them I had to laugh out loud whenever they told me that I had’nt changed a bit

No longer able to flee the questions that upset me, I blindly swallowed some stale religious fairytale
Safely depersonalized the myriad sufferings of others from the comfort of my couch control center
Felt strangely empty if I was not actively pursuing the latest Gen of our most-must-have-now, eGear
Yes, I traveled thousands and thousands of miles, but darn – I was just commuting to & from work

Grew weary of their attempts to control me with their phony suits and one-way political correctness
Lost sympathy for the truly poor seeing how well the real pros worked the same corners every day
Watched out the window in silent awe as new convenience stores carved up formerly good farmland
Remained convinced I was well above average in all respects - despite my ongoing current situation

Voted straight republican as I seamlessly segued from unemployment to disability to social security
Dinit need no dam obamacare cuz my medicaid and medicare waz always ther fer my family
Made sure I didn’t read too much after seeing what it done to alla them dam scientists and liberals
Learned to relax and get comfortable by twerkin the big screen instead of doin boring housework

Went on a trip Out West & grabbed selfies at everonea them naturel marvelsa this great landa ours
Donno if I was offshored, outsourced, downsized or laidoff but now I’m broke & in early retirement
Waited for weeks for Labor Day but simply could not remember what we done for it - Just last year…
Often derived a blissful satisfaction from my latest purchases - For up to 20 full minutes at a time!

Learned ta hate at the sound of buzzphrases uttered by puppet opinion leaders pushing fake eNews
Slept with my guns and old bible but still feared for the sound of their black helicopters in the night
Bought more than we needed cuz it was on sale: And thoughtlessly discarded half as spoiled leftovers
Grew weary of gumint inactivity, infighting & incompetence even as I grew fatter, dumber & lazier

Tried real hard to make my kids like me - Guess that’s why they’re back livin at home in their 30s
Crammed my head with sports stats and lines from ads and movies cause that’s what really mattered
Grabbin fer gusto as I smelt them roses helped me ignore the black truth athat onrushin empty void
Now I tremble laying here all tubed, knowing life has to go on, but only this time it’ll be without me