Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Temporarily Cheaper Is Always Better

Save Money. Live Better – Wal*Mart Slogan
Traditional families shop price, happily oblivious to foreign labor standards or environmental controls
Sending your job overseas helps your neighbors enhance their lifestyles via savings on cheaper goods
Offshoring also applies to your darling children’s food, but not to worry about where it comes from
You can look the other way when they import those low-cost generic drugs - They’re probably safe
Otherwise disgusting offal can be extruded into profitable but less expensive snacks - Like McNuggets
Cheaper building materials designed to barely meet code will quickly fail in a fire or an earthquake
Asian designers & engineers cost less and work better with our offshore suppliers and manufacturers
The Cheap And Disposable keeps their peasants employed and our shoppers busy returning to stores

There’s less disappointment if the lowest price choice is DOA 1 out of 3 times, right out of the box
Eating, wearing and buying cheap food, clothes, toys, eGizmos & household plastics is our way of life
Its actually feels quite patriotic to offshore a corporation to reduce costs – and increase your bonus
And, when stuff breaks we just curse ‘cheap chinese sh*t’, But not the All-American brand importer

These days the so-called late adopters are really just smart folk waiting for the imported knock-offs
Cut-Rate imported foods & drugs are made to higher standards than their plastic junk, Sure they are!
But, industry self-regulation mandates a handsoff & not responsible attitude toward foreign suppliers
That’s why the cheaper at any cost philosophy has been so very profitable for clever multinationals

We don’t condone workers slaving 7x18 & living 15 to a room,but we do support it with our purchases
It’s not our problem if our need for savings removes environmental issues from producers priorities
It’s also certainly not our concern that peasant laborers cannot afford to buy the products they build
After all, most of that bad stuff happens faraway and overseas so it cannot possibly affect us at all

So, it’s OK if stripmining the ocean is the most efficient way to cheaper AllUCanEat seafood nites out
And burning coal to power our air-conditioners wins if it costs patriotic consumers the very least
Subsidizing frack-first & declare bankruptcy later due to clean up costs yields us cheap energy today
CorPro subsidized,water-gulping,pesticided,GMO-based monocrops on vast tracts yield $1.00 snacks

It’s just smart business to produce meat by focusing solely on cost-containing its factory production
Funny how the cable, internet & cell oligarchies don’t have to compete on price though, ain’t it?
You must admit, its easier & less confusing for consumers to simply shop the bottom line-all the time
Meanwhile, foolish trend-setters pay 3-4X as much for the same stuff we’ll pick up later at Wal*Mart

Uninspected chinese baby food is far cheaper than ours and probably theres no longer melamine in it
Same goes for their tainted drywall that was the cheapest available but got lots of people real sick
They’ve certainly decontaminated those chicken stick snacks that killed off 3-400 of our family dogs
And Wild Caught Alaska Salmon that’s such a buy but ‘product of China’:Not to worry…it’s clean, right?

Those dirt cheap imported phones, tablets & laptops aren’t pickled in spyware either…They promise!
Its a shame we cant outsource healthcare cause maybe then we could even compare treatment costs
And don't forget, we need disposable, quietly-illegal pickers to cheat so we can have cheap tomatoes
So, it’s such a great deal, it doesn’t matter if we buy way more than we need and toss half of it away

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Pursuit Of A Programmed Happiness

All men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights…
Living large on credit cards, speeding by in fancy cars and dressing up like we was like movie stars
Asskissing, backstabbing, shoulderclimbing & downkicking my way to that penthouse office in the sky
It’s like this: a trillion totally selfish & blindly greedy decisions per day optimize our collective future
So it is, in the end truly and most importantly as I must always remember: Only and all just about me

Besides, the free market solves all our problems automagically simply by meeting my vanity demands
So, I only need to go for the gusto, live for today and try to stop & smell the roses along the way
Because Hey! God wants me to prosper: Our mega-church preacher told me so along with 1500 others
Anyways, it does seem that I can only measure my happiness by short-term changes to my net worth

The concerns of others cannot not bind me for I was created to pursue my own individual happiness
Some struggle to save the environment or to solve social problems but I was born to get ahead
And I expect the same from all the corporate entities whose stock is creating my retirement nestegg
I’m not interested in their being socially-responsible either but they must maximize their stock price

Don’t care if it’s coal or dogshit-fired, I just wanna be able to twist that thermostat when I want to
I simply must step over these homeless moochers every day on the way to fulfilling my own destiny
Its like, I have no time to recycle now but when I get really rich I may hire someone to do it for me
I tell ya, my ramtuf hemi pickup makes me feel so gooood when it throws off a smoke cloud real loud

No worry if they fall again for my next investment scam - they can go squeal for another govt bailout
Dont see how this whatever national infrastrcture mess has any bearing on the wishes I need to fulfill
When I want a burger I aint got time ta fuss over that like food animal holocaust suppozedly goin on
But, it is good to know that just keeping to our own wants & needs helps bring us all a better future

So, with stirring patriotic fervor, I strive for new cars, mansions, yachts, servants & a trophy wife
And, staying ahead on these measures assures me that I am winning big on the class warfare front
You see I combine my pursuit of happiness with the socially-Darwinian struggle we must all undertake
And I am grateful to companies that continually bring out new products that spur on my noble pursuit

Luckily, just by fulfilling our implanted marketers dreams we help ensure a brighter future for us all
I don’t get all like neurotic worrying about saving the world - Cause I just need to watch out for me
And yeah, I think my dad died happy…he was talking up his new car just 3 days before he left us
I did have to step on a few faces to get where I am but it was all in joyful, self-centered competition

So, we toast ourselves at fine restaurants and enjoy a fleeting sociopathic sense of self-satisfaction
If it’s new, I want it first. If it’s hot, I want the most expensive. If it’s scarce, I want the most.
And its not just about materialism, crushing the competition on my way up also satisfies me deeply
And don’t forget that my happiness also includes the pursuit of relaxing gasoline-powered recreation

BTW, I’m damn sure that the markets will blindly manage any so-called environmental problems, too
You see, simply by chasing my own implanted needs I really do help to make the world a better place
God bless America and our creator-revealed constitutional right to the pursuit of individual happiness
And, happily, I can look forward to an eternity of vapid wish fulfillment, up there in His paradise

Monday, June 16, 2014

Vainerabilities: The Vulnerabilities Of Vanity

He was this so-handsome man with the world at his fingertips, lots of money and boy what a charmer
She could have done anything but she just couldn’t resist racing out every time a camera appeared
Unable to admit he might have made a mistake he was forced to stay the course & never flip-flop
Her looks assured her that she deserved to be served the good life: Cars,clothes,jewels & McMansions

He failed at manual or intellectual labor but starred reading other’s speeches during big meetings
Being dressed fashionably was obviously her extreme priority…because other people would notice
His career & fame went off like a skyrocket but, as always, he just had to fondle one more bimbo
In the end, she fell into a fatal depression troweling on layers of makeup that could not hide her age

Sitting in his sports car with a young woman he did not feel like the wrinkled old fool in the rearview
She tried hard not to notice the liver spots crowding in on her pounds of expensive jewelry
The only time he professed ignorance was when his minions were caught performing his illegal orders
They both knew they were different, and a cut above the oh-so ordinary masses bred to serve them

He found it very satisfying to have waiters, servants & administrative assistants fawning upon him
He designed a giant vacation home they never used that was so hideous his estate could not sell it
Every one of the many cars he owned always had to be cleaned and shined religiously - By others
She knew for sure that everyone was looking at her as they graced the toney shopping streets

Happiness was seeing themselves properly projected on some media or another for all to see
They never really had time to study others except those rivals who got more attention than they did
He’d lend his name to most any charity so long as he got top billing in the slick advertising campaign
The ForSale signs at all her listings simply had to give over the most space to her frozen botox smile

When they finally arrested him he had already wasted his swindled millions on vapid faux-luxuries
She knew that they were both above and outside of most laws, which were obviously meant for losers
He loved that feeling of importance having an expensive lawyer as his mouthpiece to the crowds
They enjoyed sipping champagne in their firstclass seats watching as the cattle crowd slowly boarded

He fondled his combover between every sales call as he checked his winning smile in the mirror
It was obvious to her that the pursuit of happiness meant her winning at any cost to her opponents
He needed that bonus more than the employees he laidoff and outsourced to get it could ever grasp
But, way too shortly after finally filling his 19 car garage, that gnawing emptiness began once again

She enjoyed having men lust after her as she passed by gazing haughtily away, her nose held high
They both lovingly maintained deep tans despite all those FDA warnings they very smirkingly ignored
She felt so attractive in high heels she wore them until she couldn’t walk normally at all, anymore
He was the one they always counted on to charm cranky widows into investing heavily with their firm

They were quite miffed when police officers disregarded their tantrums and simply handcuffed them
Their children were mere props in their photo-essay, quickly handed back to domestics with accents
But you see, it wasn’t their fault, for they had been praised & coddled since birth for their looks
Surely they couldn’t be blamed for feeling entitled given all the little people holding doors for them?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Real Slow ‘Merican Decay

Shyte aint gonna blow up like in yer hollywood blockbusters, civilizations gunna just slowly fade away
Ya wont have ta take the pickup out ta the woods with guns blazin - yu’ll just wither in yer apartmint
Gov’t healthcare death panels aint gonna cum fer gramaw - She’ll just lay there, out of it - fer years
The librals wont get ta give over our precious sovernty ta that atheistic, commonistic UN b4 you go

The roads’ll just slowly get worse and we’ll start boilin our drinkin water and heatin with wood again
The dam vaccinations was just killin off our darlin children enaway, so good-gubye ta that conspiracy
The whtever lektrik grid’ll just slowly shrivel til thers maybe 4 hrs service/day and then only in town
Timesavin chinese household goods wont be so easy ta cum by what with the failin transport network

You proly wont be goin out ta eat 10er12 times a week anymore as yer buyin power is rampin down
They’ll be wheelin you outta the ER without near as much free treatment as you was used ta gettin
Hey, there’ll still be good ole foopawl on the big screen, but you won’t be buyin no latest Samstung
Relax, it aint gonna be no massive catastrophe changin the Entire world like overnight or somethin

Yeah, yer teeth’ll slowly hurt worse and worse, but you’ll stay used to that, what with good old Oxy
And the old ladys growths from the tanning booth…they’ll just keep getting bigger, redder and uglier
Cataracts’ll slowly make stuff looks dim and blurry and stronger readin glasses won’t helpya at all
Meanwhile, yer hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity & COPD will all just silently increase

CorProAg will slowly but very surely poison our bountiful soil even as they destroy its fertility as well
Illiterate illegals and non-english speakin overbreeders will stealthily suk us down into the 3rd-world
Relax, it’ll be years for your children blame their hopeless situation on your sloth, greed & ignorance
Yup, you can proudly shout ‘This is ThE greatest country on the planet:USA,USA,USA!’ fer awhile yet

Them black helicopturs wont allsudden show up over yer house at nite, at least not for the time bein
Risin sea levels aint gonna take out yer dad’s condo down in flarida overnite er nothin
Tho yer taxes will raise up faster than inflation, yer entitlements will actually shrink, year after year
Political lies will have to keep on getting bigger to cover the reality gap, but it’s a real slow process

We wont be able to afford food inspectors but industry self-regelation will surely keep us pretty OK
Them weathr and GPS satellites will slowly wink out but you’ll still have cell service for quite a while
Yet, freedom loving patriots can smile cuz that jobkillin EPA will simply hafta be cut: Year after year
Oh, but you’ll hear lotsa teeth gnashin over possible smaller increases to our sacred dEfense budget

Slowly, real slowly youll lose yer ATVs, Jetskis, snowmachines, dirt bikes & giant pickups ta crediters
No worries yet, it’ll be a while for it hurts justa get outta bed even after a rare good nite’s sleep
They’ll keep the family in burger fer years by usin formerly non-edible portionsa cow carcasses
Your medicare aint gonna be canceled tomorra but one day you won’t find no doctors who accept it

You can keep on fightin that climate change by twistin yer coal-fired thermostat fer years ta come
And, yup, we’ll still have more nukes, land mines & chemical weapons than allathem ferin heathens
Them toxic wastes aint gonna kill us off even though they will keep on slowly buildin up insidea us
But, one thing that aint never gonna change is ur faith & trust in the absolute trutha that Good Book

Monday, June 2, 2014

Avoid These Polite Conversation Killers

If you can’t say something politically correct, just say something totally inconsequential…
You just shut up about ‘Yes, We Can’ actually being just one more ad man’s empty campaign slogan
We won’t even discuss the omissions, misrepresentations and lies that already cost over a $Tr in Iraq
Nobody wants to hear about fixing corpro-agriculture if it might cost them any extra at all for Doritos
Just don’t mention that ThE Greatest Country on ThE Planet only leads the Undeveloping World

Where’s a benefit to facing the fact that your kids future clearly is not nearly as bright as yours was?
Who’s going to worry much about that climate change scam Republican leaders know is pure BS?
Shushup over exporting a temporary glut of fracked natural gas, again with no plan for when its gone
We’ll stifle statistics that the poor & ignorant are wildly outbreeding ye of the educated middle class

You cannot say: Our Natives & Blacks must have issues if they can be held down for so long - So easily
Only a traitor would dare speak out against outspending the next 20 countries combined on dEfense
Thou shalt not speculate that victims of the obesity plague might shoulder any personal responsibility
It’s political suicide to admit that we must all pay higher taxes and get less benefits just to scrape by

Don’t even whisper of the insurance & drug industry deals cut to get that Obamacare shoved thru
You just wont get away with demanding childbearing licenses as well as requiring two parent families
Dont bring up the false promises of the good new jobs of tomorrow made when they outsourced us
Stop calling their dogma of eternal GDP growth just another fairytale, too-big-to-fail, pyramid scam

Dont discuss how doctors can make $400/hr up til age 80 but you have to be <30 to code a stupid app
Its off topic to ask why top corpro rungs are only for furtive one-track shoulder-climbing psychopaths
Never ever, even whisper that sainted Israel practices what the Nazis did to them on the Palestinians
Don’t ask how we actually have a vibrant, structurally sound economy with 20% of us on food stamps

We won’t even calculate business losses resulting from promotions based solely on affirmative action
Better not go around belittling football and all of its brainwashed, bacon & beer-loving worshipers
You won’t hear how the Wall Street banks got way too much bigger to fail again, so forget about that
Theres no need to broadcast that cable, internet and cell service cost more here than anywhere else

Politicians hope you wont notice they work 2½ days/week in Washington and go fund-raising the rest
We’ll never debate whether holiday shopping isn’t one of thE most important news stories every year
Our right to uber-loud fireworks, jake-brakes, pickups and harleys is rightly not even under scrutiny
Shut up and hold the door for them as they go home early again, for their kids - with their equal pay

So, you think that the main problem with the education system is parenting? Don’t you dare go there
We’ll simply ignore the increasing Jihadi activity going on from Morocco all the way over to Indonesia
Nobody wants to talk low-priority issues like economic sustainability, much less habitat preservation
Who the hell cares if our landfills overflow with valuable recyclables marinating in our toxic wastes?

No, you shouldnt finally tell them that they’re not really very special, even though they all got prizes
Can’t label those leeching seamlessly from unemployment to disability to social security as moochers
How dare you even dream of a support group just for displaced white men? You racist, Nazi pervert!
Mustn’t voice the heresy that Christianity is as dogmatic, wornout & irrelevant as that tired socialism