Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Real Slow ‘Merican Decay

Shyte aint gonna blow up like in yer hollywood blockbusters, civilizations gunna just slowly fade away
Ya wont have ta take the pickup out ta the woods with guns blazin - yu’ll just wither in yer apartmint
Gov’t healthcare death panels aint gonna cum fer gramaw - She’ll just lay there, out of it - fer years
The librals wont get ta give over our precious sovernty ta that atheistic, commonistic UN b4 you go

The roads’ll just slowly get worse and we’ll start boilin our drinkin water and heatin with wood again
The dam vaccinations was just killin off our darlin children enaway, so good-gubye ta that conspiracy
The whtever lektrik grid’ll just slowly shrivel til thers maybe 4 hrs service/day and then only in town
Timesavin chinese household goods wont be so easy ta cum by what with the failin transport network

You proly wont be goin out ta eat 10er12 times a week anymore as yer buyin power is rampin down
They’ll be wheelin you outta the ER without near as much free treatment as you was used ta gettin
Hey, there’ll still be good ole foopawl on the big screen, but you won’t be buyin no latest Samstung
Relax, it aint gonna be no massive catastrophe changin the Entire world like overnight or somethin

Yeah, yer teeth’ll slowly hurt worse and worse, but you’ll stay used to that, what with good old Oxy
And the old ladys growths from the tanning booth…they’ll just keep getting bigger, redder and uglier
Cataracts’ll slowly make stuff looks dim and blurry and stronger readin glasses won’t helpya at all
Meanwhile, yer hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity & COPD will all just silently increase

CorProAg will slowly but very surely poison our bountiful soil even as they destroy its fertility as well
Illiterate illegals and non-english speakin overbreeders will stealthily suk us down into the 3rd-world
Relax, it’ll be years for your children blame their hopeless situation on your sloth, greed & ignorance
Yup, you can proudly shout ‘This is ThE greatest country on the planet:USA,USA,USA!’ fer awhile yet

Them black helicopturs wont allsudden show up over yer house at nite, at least not for the time bein
Risin sea levels aint gonna take out yer dad’s condo down in flarida overnite er nothin
Tho yer taxes will raise up faster than inflation, yer entitlements will actually shrink, year after year
Political lies will have to keep on getting bigger to cover the reality gap, but it’s a real slow process

We wont be able to afford food inspectors but industry self-regelation will surely keep us pretty OK
Them weathr and GPS satellites will slowly wink out but you’ll still have cell service for quite a while
Yet, freedom loving patriots can smile cuz that jobkillin EPA will simply hafta be cut: Year after year
Oh, but you’ll hear lotsa teeth gnashin over possible smaller increases to our sacred dEfense budget

Slowly, real slowly youll lose yer ATVs, Jetskis, snowmachines, dirt bikes & giant pickups ta crediters
No worries yet, it’ll be a while for it hurts justa get outta bed even after a rare good nite’s sleep
They’ll keep the family in burger fer years by usin formerly non-edible portionsa cow carcasses
Your medicare aint gonna be canceled tomorra but one day you won’t find no doctors who accept it

You can keep on fightin that climate change by twistin yer coal-fired thermostat fer years ta come
And, yup, we’ll still have more nukes, land mines & chemical weapons than allathem ferin heathens
Them toxic wastes aint gonna kill us off even though they will keep on slowly buildin up insidea us
But, one thing that aint never gonna change is ur faith & trust in the absolute trutha that Good Book

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