Friday, May 9, 2014

Grabbin fer gusto as I smelt them roses

Lost course in the currents of their waving sea of distortions, omissions, exaggerations and halftruths
Had another sudden & lifechanging inspiration as I sucked down the dregs of just one more cold drink
Heard the latest bad news walking the pocked & dirty streets once again, upon these tired old feet
Watched as leaders cagily evaded any blame by offloading all responsibility for their many failures

Tried to skip all the ads but the jingles kept playing inside my head til I soaked them up with vodka
Saw the lights of our great city from a hill, faroff & above all the dirt & noise, inside my ragged tent
Talked to my old dog about the man who had once beaten her so often, yet always so unexpectedly
Found myself once again sideslipping down the steep leading edge of yet another stupid trend curve

Held her hand for just a moment and felt her slip away – well, so much for our being forever together
Realized too late the meaninglessness of all the projects my managers pushed as so vitally important
Swam out past the breakers and saw things differently, rolling up and down on coolblue pacific swells
Just looking at them I had to laugh out loud whenever they told me that I had’nt changed a bit

No longer able to flee the questions that upset me, I blindly swallowed some stale religious fairytale
Safely depersonalized the myriad sufferings of others from the comfort of my couch control center
Felt strangely empty if I was not actively pursuing the latest Gen of our most-must-have-now, eGear
Yes, I traveled thousands and thousands of miles, but darn – I was just commuting to & from work

Grew weary of their attempts to control me with their phony suits and one-way political correctness
Lost sympathy for the truly poor seeing how well the real pros worked the same corners every day
Watched out the window in silent awe as new convenience stores carved up formerly good farmland
Remained convinced I was well above average in all respects - despite my ongoing current situation

Voted straight republican as I seamlessly segued from unemployment to disability to social security
Dinit need no dam obamacare cuz my medicaid and medicare waz always ther fer my family
Made sure I didn’t read too much after seeing what it done to alla them dam scientists and liberals
Learned to relax and get comfortable by twerkin the big screen instead of doin boring housework

Went on a trip Out West & grabbed selfies at everonea them naturel marvelsa this great landa ours
Donno if I was offshored, outsourced, downsized or laidoff but now I’m broke & in early retirement
Waited for weeks for Labor Day but simply could not remember what we done for it - Just last year…
Often derived a blissful satisfaction from my latest purchases - For up to 20 full minutes at a time!

Learned ta hate at the sound of buzzphrases uttered by puppet opinion leaders pushing fake eNews
Slept with my guns and old bible but still feared for the sound of their black helicopters in the night
Bought more than we needed cuz it was on sale: And thoughtlessly discarded half as spoiled leftovers
Grew weary of gumint inactivity, infighting & incompetence even as I grew fatter, dumber & lazier

Tried real hard to make my kids like me - Guess that’s why they’re back livin at home in their 30s
Crammed my head with sports stats and lines from ads and movies cause that’s what really mattered
Grabbin fer gusto as I smelt them roses helped me ignore the black truth athat onrushin empty void
Now I tremble laying here all tubed, knowing life has to go on, but only this time it’ll be without me

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