Thursday, May 29, 2014

Don’t Worry About These Boring Facts

It’s OK...You can stay fixed solely upon unemployment, GDP, gun control, abortion and your next eGizmo
You needn’t ever ponder upon the fact that each gallon of gas you waste produces 19 pounds of CO2
Not to worry that NASA predicts irreversible collapse and the NSF warns of dire climate changes
Don’t be concerned that 80 thousand acres of rainforest and 135 species disappear, every single day
Your Timmie likely isn’t among the 535k American kids aged 1-5 who has brain-destroying lead levels

Forget about the fact that soil erosion from careless corporate farming costs $37.6 billion per year
That your kids rank 21st out of 23 developed countries in numeracy should not cause you to lose sleep
Its just alarmism when engineers say we must spend $3.6Tr by 2020 on boring infrastructure projects
Just keep ignoring the food animal holocaust that goes on out of sight and enjoy your factory chicken

Keep on watering your lovely bluegrass since that impending water shortage surely wont affect you
You have health insurance at work so you don’t even need to think about how much that care costs
You only have a couple drinks a day so the $223.5 billion yearly toll for alcohol abuse isn’t your issue
So what if 47 million Americans are on food stamps, it’s only like 1 out of 6 of all of us, anyway

You’re barely 10-15 pounds overweight so don’t be fussing over this whatever obesity epidemic
Don’t worry cause you rarely have time to exercise – you’re part of the 80% of us who never do
Should you be concerned just cause we toss 100 billion plastic bags after one use every year? Nah.
Like you should be upset that kids spend more time with tv & smart screens than on all school stuff

The disappearance of monarch butterflies & honey bees cannot possibly have a consequence for you
In terms of your life, the fact that 21% of US adults can’t read at a 5th grade level is quite immaterial
Just cause 97% of wacko climate scientists believe in that Global Warming scam doesn’t make it true
No need to get riled up about a little mercury from those patriotic coal-fired power plants in our fish

Don’t get upset just cause there’s all kinds of drug leftovers in our lakes, rivers and tap water, either
It’s no big deal if 36% of so-called baby-boomers now aged 55 and over have less than $10k saved up
No worries that the 14 million on disability don’t count as unemployed but cost us $260 billion a year
Look, don’t get all riled up just cause it costs $500 to get one stitch for a little cut at New York ERs

The $4-6Tr we will wind up spending on misguided MidEast crusades should not keep you up at night
Don’t stress out just because 1.372 billion people on earth must survive on less than $1 per day
Not to sweat the 22,000 homeless kids in that greatest of all the world cities - New York, NY USA

The 40% of Americans who believe in Creationism do not pose a threat to either you or the nation
Factory fleet overfishing & bycatch kill have no connection with your taste for AllUcanEat seafood
There’s really no need to panic just cause 95% of income gains from 2009-2012 went to that top 1%

Does your 24x7 eConnected family even care that now the design of your eToys has been outsourced?
It’s probably OK that al-Qaeda isn’t almost dead but, in fact, growing from africa across to asia
What do you care if the $19B/yr ivory smuggling business blows away cute Save The Rhino campaigns And, does it really affect your family at all that the US ranks 46th globally in freedom of the press?

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