Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We Got No Need Fer Fekin Readin

1 of 7 American adults find anything more advanced than children’s books to be very challenging – nces.ed.gov, 2009.
Lissen, I got no need ta read cuz I gotta smartphone ta look up any kinda stuff I gotta know about
The register makes change for me at my job so WTF do I need to know how to do like math for
Hey, spellin just aint importent in this modern world were tweetin on thru
Oh, right, like I might need ta read subtitles on some boring and stupid forin movie

Proud ta say we don’t own nonea them useless books, cept the King James – not emen a checkbook
Well, just what would I read anyways, some wack liberal NYTimes or NPR government fake news?
No sir, ta keep up ta date on them libral schemes, we’ll jest keep her locked right here on the Fox
Like I munna sedown and read that 15 page legal docament contract ta my iPhone: Nobody else does

Yup, we signed that mortgage - but it was all jest a packa legal lies and fraud we dinit really get
But there aint nonea that fineprint in the bible so all that’s just the devil’s handiwork ta be ignored
You just ax anybody, them sientists is a buncha sissy geeks whatre so way outta touch with reality
But I got thousandsa sports satistcs regardin my belovd home team right up here & at my fingertips

Ta me, litercy today means knowin how ta runa touch screen and such
And everbody knows ya sure don’t need yearsa schoolin ta sort out the hogwash comin outta google
That is, my criticel thinkin skeels don’t rely on some backbonea school book learnin ta work right
Look, you just back off, I can read any restrint menu I might actually want to…

So, ya see it jest aint important to are lifestyle if my kids test out behind like them whateffin Finns
But I’ll be happy ta swap soundbites with them yella-belly librels - or small arms fire fer that matter
The real men I watch in HD don’t set there readin and shit, they bend down in tights and get after it
And as fer writin - now just what on god’s green earth is that supposed ta actuelly be for?

You can take yer grammer, spellin and whatever punktuation and u just go see how far it gets u
After all, too much lernin jest destroys a guys good god-given common sense, aint ya seen?
Enaways, I got an app that’ll read eny stuff I really need - right out loud ta me
Really, getting us ta read all the time is jest one waya gettin our attention offa ther socialist plots

I don’t hafta like like do the math on my job and they aint payin me ta read no gotdam books, ether
Hey I can read the numbers on my Lotto tickets good enough to know that it’s better luck next time
And who really gives a shit about them whatever hunrert or so ingreedints in abaga Doritas, anyway?
Watchin shit blow up in HD is way more stimulatin than settin all quiet in some corner just readin

Enaways, if you caint get it ta fit it inta a 30 second soundbite you aready lost my attintion
Alla them collige gradu8ts workin over ta that elitist Starbucks aint needin ta read nothin, so there
And ya know, it aint plitically correct or HUD-Approved ta favor bookworms over us common folks
Readins just about as importent as stuff like that BS recicling, and theyll hafta pay me ta do that too

Hey they aint denyin unqualified LBGT, handycapped wimmen acolor promotions cuz theys illiterate
Now look, Don’t ya think if readin was so dam vital that I’d already know about it?
Busides, alla them installation instructions was translated by hindis from whatever chinese nonsense
Enaway, I really caint make out anya them little-teeny squiggles and I caint afford no gotdam glasses

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