Friday, January 17, 2014

I Really Do Need Lots of Guns!

Wow, I need a gun here right now, nexta my pillow cuz what if them UN helicopters hover tonight...
OK, what if that big black hand reaches into my window… later on when everybody else is fast asleep
I keep it warm and well-hidden, right next to my skin - on the way to church each Sunday morning
And it feels so good when I touch off a few rounds and some prairie dogs or such vermin just explode

I expeschilly like rubbing that smooth barrel up and down while it’s still warm and smoking
With this shapely 30 shot automatic in hand I’m ready to stand my ground - Anytime and anywhere
Hey, I’m just harking back to them good old pilgrim fathers who chiseled out our holy constitution
Yup, the right to deadly force is among the most deeply-rooteda alla our sacred tradishnal vayues

The very idea of even regelatin assault weapons sets my proud, violent, radicalized blood ta boilin
What we actually need are neighborhood anti-tank and anti-aircraft brigades ta foil CIA incursions
Why, at this very moment I could squeeze one off in the face of a drugged carjacker or pushy cicylist
God bless the NRA cause, whoa baby, I really need all my guns right here, right beside me, right now

Took a firearm safety class with my 3rd grader and now she just loves to go shooting with her Daddy
Sitting quietly on my lap, she counts the shells in her chamber as we break down our pistols together
The wife’s got a very ladylike .38 she slips right on down into her purse as she heads in for a pedicure
To me, being armed is like being dressed, and you best believe I don’t even hop inta bed neked

The certainty that I have the power ta solve social problems by ending lives colers alla my actitudes
And, as everybody knows from the Good Book, jesus spoke out against gun control plots way long ago
For He commends us not only against the infidels but demands we take an eye for an eye and stuff
It’s a win-win-win situation combining our sacred religious duty with patriotism and sensual pleasure

Good God, I need my guns like I need ta eat every day and that’s really all I shudhafta say about that
Whenever I leave the house I got my checklist: Wallet, cellphone, handgun, BigGulp, sunglasses, keys
Hey, dont you think I dont know them socialist hivers meanta rob meamy godgiven right ta bear arms
But when the shit hits the fan, we’ll take off for the woods in my pickup loaded with rifles and ammo

After all, guns are a big parta what it means to be a Man here in The Greatest country on the planet
Yup, from pilgrim ta cowboy ta redneck an honored heavily-armed tradition been handed down ta me
We aint standin fer no weapons tracking, smart guns or fingerprinted ammo, either, no gotdam way!
The feds got no right to know what I got up here in my home arsenal but they can tap them tweeters

I need a gun or I wunna feel complete and my whole lifestyle would not make any real sense…
It’s even more than self-protection, why, it has a lot to do with who I am and what I truly believe in
Them occasional mass killings simply prove that our citizens needs to remain ever armed and vigilant
Yea, in a righteous world 4 or 5 civilians would open up on wack shooters anywhere, public or private

Yup, I read that American Rifleman magazine in the privacy of my bathroom and God bless my guns
You might as well ask me to give up good old red meat as to surrender my treasured, shiny firearms
Ya see, gun control actually should only be about keeping a steady aim and a smooth trigger finger
So, I’ll see you down to that next gunshow in Arizona, checkin out bikinis & unregistered automatics

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