Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happily Even After MAGA

I did finally get me another job, yup, locked into a 6 month tmp contract they can terminate at will
but after 100 weeks of demeanin and intrusive filin for my rightful unemployment, I am reborn
making half of what I used to and drivin twice as far but, I got this wondres renewal of my self worth
not gettin any benefits until I possibly get on fulltime but I still got a few pain meds left fer my teeth

good thing that old core inflation remains low cause everything that we buy has gone up, out of sight
we do save a lot on home maintenance and yard work since we was forced to become renters again
but I got financial-smart friends who stayed at home years fer free by dodgin in and outta foreclosure
we eat lots of fastfoods cause I hear it’s way cheaper than bakin bread and cookin beans and rice

sure I canceled that expensive car insurance - just as soon as I got my new plates and registration
getting rid of my trash down by the creek cause I aint payin tahave guys come justa haul that shit off
them damn cell, internet and cable bills cost like $300 a month but we caint do without that stuff
dont see how the gumint screwed things up so bad so fast but we just gotta get anybody else in there

got no insulation here so we just keep the heat cranked cuz we all liketa hang in baggy shorts
thank god for Fox exposing socialist plans to expand entitlements and demotivate noble job creaters
why, the people down ta the ER know our kids names but them elitists aim to take away our choices
lookit my diesel pickup boys, got er jacked up, custom wheels, real loud and I only owe like $45000

sicka payin for these stupid public service intrusions about whatever obesity and lameass exercise
if them warshinton jobkillers would just foller our sacred constitution and the blessed free market…
fed up with pukes tryin to nanny us right inta some kinda failed old eurosocialist style frikin beehive
and I got guns, too. Now, I caint afford new glasses but we can go out shooting at a $buck.50 a round

I should pay for they clean energy scams after they stifled our patriotic coal minin & oil drillin..right?
don’t know where they came up with these lies about our kids being like 29th in world school testing
got a nice bonus outta my 401k last time I was laid off but I aint signin up fer that damn scam again
hafta laugh at them fool greenies tellin me to recycle fer nothin when I got imporent stuff to do

you bet I support our troops and I say we go after allathem idoletres enemy combatants, like say IrAn
happy ta see the feds siftin ever tweet fer terrorist threats but I’m sick atheir interference in my life
aint payin no individul mandate even if they keep raisin my insurance rates ta cover all the moochers
solved this climate change hoax by just turnin my coal-powered air-conditioner thermostat way down

dunno whats wrong with the damn schools but my kids know better than to pay attention to they BS
we aint lettin them push no girly damn ecocars down our throats even though they jacked fuel prices
got 8 months a year a the NFL in HD and listen, that’s about as damn traditional as things kin get
now if we could round up the abortion murderers, gay couples and gun controllers it’d be just peachy

we’re not too proud for food stamps but I do draw the line at Mother’s drug test disqualifyin us
it’s just a damn lie that our standard of living aint the highest in the world and is actually goin down
screw their economic mobility bull, Only in the USA can a guy get ahead just thoo his own hard work
yup, in our Happily Even After alla them Good Jobsa Tomorrow are comin right back here...
right along with the free home equity cash we deserve

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