Monday, February 3, 2014

After Work...Our Real Lives

After work, boys, that’s the time… Those few hours for our lives to really shine
After work and before the homelife responsibilities and our entertainment downtime
After work we’ll push it hard for a moment, cause we’re finally doing stuff we think really matters
After work, for a couple hours, I can practice being semi-pro at something that I actually enjoy

After work is maybe just the Happy Hour where I purge myself by poison, of their grasping insecurity
After work one of these days let’s get together and do a barbecue or something
After work I’m gonna try and reach the real trajectory of a life I still feel like I might lead one day
After work there’s always more work to do but I might squeeze in an hour or so

After work we’ll get our lives together, doing what we know is truly important, for a little while
After work they wont be micromanaging us with that ever-present threat of sudden unemployment
After work we can at least try to act like the men we always thought we would one day become
After work we’ll pay some real attention and give it all we’ve got

After work I might even undertake like maybe a short search for meaning…or something
After work I’ll spend some real quality time with my treasured family
After work and before it gets dark again we’ll take our places in the sun
After work I’ll drive around like a rich man with the tinted windows up and my dark glasses on

After work I’ll seek an antidote for all the force-fed BS I’ve learned that I must swallow with a smile
After work we wont be at all like politically correct if we want to laugh out loudly, together
After work that self-serving bitch wont be looking over my shoulder every couple of minutes
After work we’ll take some ammo and a sixpack out to the dump and just relax for a while

After work I might study stuff that could help get me another job after the next round of big layoffs
After work my possibilities emerge briefly like a short sunset under low clouds on a dark winter day
After work I bet we’ll be able to see that there could be more to life than their venal strategic vision
After work I’ll be laughing cause it helps me to get my head back on straight, if just for a little while

After work we’ll have to move it, if we really want to get some recreation, what with all the crowds
After work I’ll prove that I’m more than an interchangeable, disposable and, actually, unwanted part
After work we’ll get out the bigboy toys that can still make it all seem somehow worthwhile
After work I’ll pick up the kids and we’ll roll out together in that big blue SUV for their favorite eats

After work I can expand again, outside the muted, cubicle flunkie mold they’ve got me pressed into
After work, whaddya know, I’ll be doing stuff that actually interests me, if only for a short while
After work we’ll be more than too-slowly moving little dots on some suckup’s failing project schedule
After work we’ll climb right outside their box, stand up on our hind legs and really think for ourselves

After work I’m gonna try and figure out what it is I actually want to be when I finally do grow up
After work we’ll enjoy the feelings of self-worth our trivial daily grind so efficiently abrades
After work, just you watch and see, their bullshit will, for a moment, not put the fear of god in me
After work – Yet, we all know we’re just lucky we still got our jobs to go to again, tomorrow morning

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