Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hail The Anthropocene Era

Shortest geologic era on record, marked by a mass extinction due to human activity. AKA the Cretinaceous period.
Our consumer trends create market-driven conditions to which a species must either adapt: Or perish
We even act as if we can decide which life forms will survive based on whether we need or like them
Our micro-plastic litter shards have become an inert part of the food chain in every ocean on earth
And we can all ask in one talkinghead voice: What has any stinkin polarbear ever done for my family?

Our genetically-modified mono-cropped food plants drive evolution in the lifeforms we label as pests
Today, we tacitly agree that a sustainable environment is whatever remains after our latest progress
Industry assures us that we humans are immune from the otherwise toxic effects of their activities
We cannot not be constrained by divisive quarrels over irrelevant history, for we must move forward

The axiom that mere grasping self-interest optimizes everyone’s future anchors our economic beliefs
Clear skies, clean water and intact ecosystems are infinite free goods that must never be regulated
Tough pests and scraggly weeds near our fields are the new normal in plant and animal assemblages
Burying valleys in mountain-top coal mine slag merely emulates natural earthquakes and volcanoes

Dams and clearcuts select the strongest of those decimated salmon in our warmed and silted rivers
Bidding up prices on those few remaining bluefin tuna demonstrates marketplace species protection
Total species count and individual numbers decrease in direct proportion to our population increases
Extending our protection to lands, plants or animals declines with their short-term profit potential

Why, we all help alter the entire earth’s climate daily - simply by using electricity, driving and eating
And we may choose to decry, ignore, disbelieve or honor these efforts based on religion and politics
Many among us would call this era the Saviorscene as all our efforts are, of course, divinely-ordained
Habitat destruction is but one more evolutionary hurdle for the few surviving charismatic megafauna

Like a meteor strike, our population bloom stresses species - beneficially speeding up their evolution
Such as rats, cats, dogs, roaches and bedbugs profit briefly as well during our bubble-like ascendancy
Not only do we mortgage our futures but the slyest among us hedge against our very survival as well
An entitled greed is foremost among those Traditional Family Values™ that underpin our way of life

Any new chemical created may be spread freely until it’s proven to be harmful and explicitly banned
The best measure of human progress is GDP - Not biodiversity, sustainablility or habitat preservation
Modern culture venerates human life even as it destroys the very environment that makes it possible
The only necessary and sufficient condition to ensure our future is the pursuit of individual happiness

The best way to solve non-issues such as climate change is to innovate and profit from their effects
The current mass extinction is not human-caused and is just as natural as any of the previous five
A 3 ton SUV carapace is the ideal way for a human mother to shuttle her offspring about in safety
If Asians work toxic 16 hour shifts and sleep 20 to a room, clearly chickens cannot deserve too much

Blind faith in capitalism and trust in almighty God are our armor and sword in this battle for survival
Industry trade group soundbites are honest counterweights to cooked, elitist bad science research
Industrial self-regulation is the only real way to painlessly meet our Good Steward responsibilities
Know that this wondrous flowering of humanity doesn’t simply yield the seeds of its own destruction

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