Sunday, January 19, 2014

That’s An Alternative Fact!

Our supporters don’t listen to their lying so-called factcheckers - so we can create the news that suits our sponsors
Welcome to the highway to hell, here in the USSA – The United Socialist States Of America
Gas would only be $1.50/gallon if not for that intrusive and unnecessary government regulation
America’s greatest days remain ahead, for we alone possess a divinely-granted exceptionist destiny
Climate change is a costly, elitist scare tactic used to try to steal our precious national sovereignty

Good science can advance thru slanted polls and soundbites just as well as via reproducible research
Industry studies reveal processed meats have health benefits beyond storing toxic fat for lean times
Politicians are not quietly fostering increasing ignorance only because it keeps us easier to convince
The government’s core inflation rate is a true indicator of price trends our families are experiencing

Real estate professionals bring true expertise and a desire for a better world to their unselfish work
Corporate strategies are rooted in a deep patriotism and great concern for citizens longterm welfare
Free markets can ensure species preservation via setting high prices on items such as ivory and tuna
Our lovely planet can comfortably support 10 billion people with but a few minor agricultural tweaks

Liberals plan to take away our guns and give up our cherished freedom to that pagan United Nations
We absolutely must continue to outspend the world combined on dEfense or risk foreign domination
Medicare Death Panels already have prioritized lists of grandparents to be put down by gov’t doctors
It’s only the Far Right that has succeeded in stopping any and all efforts at political compromise

Continually retrying failed socialist policies hoping for better results is a hallmark of liberal madness
Though their contributions are not financially measurable, CEO compensation must increase annually
Chronic budget reductions can be sustainably overcome via volunteerism and doing more with less
Air is free, a fresh water supply is a god-given right and the oceans must stay open to all for profit

Our reasoned evolution of belief is the very opposite of the hated political enemy’s cowardly flip-flop
Industry-financed drug research exemplifies how market forces efficiently effect safe self-regulation
War is a genetic and moral imperative – Besides it’s a lucrative and permanent economic opportunity
Tax cuts, social program reductions and deregulation will suffice to get our country growing strongly

Globalization allows multinationals to provide us with cheaper products and good jobs for peasants
A worldwide elite conspires to tithe our precious sovereignty to a godless Eurohive of failed socialism
LGBT behavior is a lifestyle choice which can be unlearned given the proper spiritual environment
And truly the fight for gay marriage ranks right up there with women’s suffrage and negro civil rights

The feds fund stripper training in Chicago and teach NY pimps to writeoff employee meth benefits
Ranchers are right to demand predator control so their welfare cattle can trample public wetlands
Any tax increase on the rich completely robs them of their priceless, job-creating motivation
Unlimited and anonymous corporate campaign bribes are necessary to ensure our freedom of speech

Mandatory universal armament would ensure everyone’s safety from that rare wacko mass murderer
The EPA or Employment Prevention Agency must be abolished along with all its job-killing regulations
Recycling is a foolish waste of time which merely prevents market forces from operating efficiently
The return of the Good Old Days of late last century is certain given our people’s boundless optimism

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