Thursday, July 3, 2014

Have A Good Day, Fearless Leader!

Maybe they’ll realize your financial expertise costs too much and earns less than dumb index funds
I hope other clients find a simple legal form on the web & save $1500 avoiding your phony services
May they back out of that big deal after discovering your greedy omissions concerning the property
With a little luck they’ll uncover another extramarital affair and finally be able to get you voted out

It could be today that the IRS ends the faith-based con with which you finance your opulent lifestyle
I ask your god that a security camera catch you lustily fondling yet another frightened new choirboy
I can only hope that one of your over-ambitious underlings will rat out your corporate connivance
It’d be so bad if more email proving you knew everything & you lied got leaked by some geeky minion

It’d be nice to hear that your spoiled kid was arrested for drugs again - despite your TV editorializing
Was cheered hearing the tale of how your son rear-ended an SUV while texting his vapid little friends
Gosh, it’s too bad that they caught you plagiarizing your speeches…but for the third time in a year?
Feel so sad that now you cant avoid the media attention you strove so hard to get, all your pushy life

Like to see another hipster snicker snarkily and walk out on your tiredly-rigged car sales charade
May your mother get into futures trading and your sister buy the funds you created to hedge against
Wish I was there when you finally realize this is The New Normal and not just The Great Recession
So sorry to hear that your vitriolic right-wing rants were the product of your addiction to pain killers

Good luck with embracing diversity through curing gays, expelling illegals and demanding voter IDs
Keep up the planet-saving work to get us all to starve locally, stop driving and not heating our homes
Sorry to hear you corrupted your latest MSProject file right before your 0s0 important status meeting
Too bad your handicapped, gay woman of color boss is just a clueless, tenured but quota-filling bytch

Its very sad that you have to work even though you have such a bad hangover after another Big Game
What a shame they know you were just lying – You did not misspeak AND you were not misunderstood
Glad to hear you lost a suit for botching a golf-hurried, Mommie Makeover that you would not refund
Congratulations on achieving stardom and then turning into a fat, perverted & bankrupt drug addict

Pity that you’re braindead after years making millions smashing into other foopbawl juicers in tights
I fondly imagine you in yer ignorant-loud, jacked-up pickup headed out to where the jobs are -Texas!
Here’s to your coveted 18-49 year olds laughingly dissing your so 20th century attempts to court them
We anxiously await for you 1%ers to pay as high a tax rate as your disappearing middle-class footmen

I’m so sorry your proud ignorance disqualifies you for the good jobs any chinese peasant could handle
It’s such a shame that your loud, apartment cowboy lifestyle pickup got repoed: Right outside the bar
What a good feeling to see that trooper write you up after you blasted past me yelling into yr cell
Wow, so your darling little girl snuck out and got a spike put in her tongue? My heartfelt condolences

EYuck! Cant stand how your once-conceited 17 y/o blond ass turned so fat, wrinkled & sun-damaged
It was a shame that your 11 y/o boy got paralyzed driving your souped-up ATV - without any helmet
It would hurt me to hear that your disability claim was denied even tho you always voted Republican
Hope to be around when your too big to fail finally turns into too costly to bail and you go to jail

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