Monday, January 13, 2014

Unimpaired By Reason

Unfettered by faith from review, our decisions are secure on a foundation of media-created tradition
Unimpaired by reason, we are fully capable of swallowing any form of urban myth or country legend
Our progress remains unimpeded by any of their cooked and contradictory, whatever recent findings
Likewise, our kids move forward unscathed by the sinful brainwashing of a broken education system

We remain unattracted to that failed eurosocialist nannying - so long ago proven an abject failure
Assured that their real agenda never changes, we stand unsullied by their omnipresent fake news
Unencumbered by crippling introspection we proceed purposefully upon a safe, faith-based itinerary
With thick blinders of belief, we unflinchlingly ignore the satanism of evil progressive disinformation

Actions and morals dictated by the good book, our fat & happy lives are unfazed by any uncertainty
Enlightened as to the depravity of junk science we thrive, absolutely unblemished by that fuzzy math
Unaltered by their vast global media conspiracy we stand firm by our own unbiased TV social analysts
Unhampered by doubt as to the righteousness of our cause, we march on with total clarity of purpose

Protected by our rhino-like armor of faith, we are unscarred by their fatally-proud, secular doctrine
Unconstrained by guilt over past decisions we never need perform amoral and spineless flipflopping
Untrammeled by overreaching rationality, we see right through their fantasy facts and fudged figures
Unrestrained by responsibility to mere objectivity, we create news to support our sponsors’ agendas

Unaffected by bad science, we out politically-spawned research hoaxes with angry opinion pieces
Unweakened by going into depth on the issues, we maintain a healthy suspicion of all those who do
Shouldering the exceptionist role granted us by our creator, we remain unswayed by BS UN statistics
Unconvinced by their amoral logic we commend ourselves to colorful soundbites of our HD clarifiers

Marinated in faith beyond any debate, we stand tall, unperturbed by His mysterious contradictions
Unmotivated to strain learning new work skills we await the Outsourcers’ promise of good new jobs
Pointedly unimpressed by lame foreign cultures we loudly emit a just contempt at their fool customs
We remain unconfused by ignoring the conflicting and bogus false choices of that elitist conspiracy

Unanimated by calls for sustainability, we proudly cleave to our traditional takeout family values
Adhering to folkways deployed long ago in the late 20th century, we stand untroubled by new findings
Our spirits are unbroken despite their constant flow of exaggerated tweets, half-truths and total lies
Unawed by criminal over-complication, we steadfastly cling to the plain and simple, black and white

Looking right thru them, we remain unmoved by the less fortunate as we pass by them every day
Untouched by shrill calls to some limp green future, we patriotically partially consume...and discard
Simply refusing to listen to their fabrications we prosper unscathed by doubt-producing contradiction
Undiminished by philosophical progress, we cling tightly to our stale faith and its hollow traditions

We stride untraumatized by data overload thanks to our scripted purveyors of conservative pabulum
Unsatisfied with mere probabilistic experimental results we rely on self-selected Word interpreters
Our great need for armed personal protection remains undeterred by occasional shooting rampages
Undaunted by that Great Recession, we know this is still ThE Greatest Country On The Planet

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