Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't Do That

If some office twit overhears a mumbled curse from your tiny cube, you’ll be warned of termination
Speaking the truth to an Officer can earn you a pepper spray or tazing and a night in the drunk tank
Go offscript with offshored support and she’ll say theres no need to get angry sir and hang up on you
Be quiet as the Precious Children sleep til noon and don’t even tell them to keep it down at 2:20 AM

Complain about the Feds sniffing your tweets or hacking your cell and you’ll earn special attention
Whine about removing your shoes, belt and emptying your pockets and you’ll wear some plastic cuffs
Call your insurance vampire for info on a problem you don’t even have and your rates could go up
File a rape allegation and its up to you to prove you arent just another cursing, drunken, whoring slut

Ask the pope for dialog and you’ll get a copy of his edict and be excommunicated if you don’t obey it
Don’t bother to apply for those Good New Jobs if you were ever unemployed or even underemployed
Don’t think you can get to read that web page unless you first agree to an unending stream of spam
Don’t swear you wont pay for no obamacare, yer already paying fer the moochers with no insurance

Be sure not to get old or you’ll silently rise to the top of the layoff list without notice, or recourse
Question any inane BS and they’ll simply say it’s company policy and they don’t make the rules...sir
Have a flat on a ghetto freeway and you’ll be robbed and beaten then processed by surly, bored cops
They can shoot your Lab if they think its a pitbull but dont you dare try telling their kids not to curse

You better tithe your 25% or the IRS will ruin you as the rich whine but patriotically pay their full 13%
Don’t try pushing that damn rabbit food on the fastfood-brainwashed, you socialist vegan nanny
The only part of their sloth-induced metabolic syndrome that is your business is to pay their Dr. bills
Forget junk objective measures and heed only their vapid tweets Re:ThE Greatest Country On Earth

Don’t ever question any military spending or we’ll smear you as a traitorous, soft-on-defense coward
Why bother teachin the kids family values 10 minutes a day when they baste in media sin 24x7x365?
Don’t fool with that recicling crap cause god takes care of everything they’re not paying you to do
Don’t dare even plan fer the effects of that global warmin bullshyte, much less even try ta stop it

Don’t tell these real men to give up their fatass, loud, gas-gulping trucks for some kinda girly hybrid
You mustn’t dare whisper a joke about gun control when a single open mic could alert the NRA
Why mention anything but jobs, lower taxes and more benes if it could cost you in the next election?
Don’t be constrained by the truth - Your supporters ignore their phony factcheckers anyway

You cant say jobs arent coming back or that working poverty is their new and richly-deserved normal
Don’t deny that our holy GDP is more important than the earthly environment upon which it’s based
Talk about good ideas or progress in ferin lands and you’ll be seen as some kinda unpatriotic wacko
Don’t talk too quietly or you’ll be ignored as they just shout right over top of you, without a thought

You can’t publicly reject their pabulum that all men are created equal and enjoy equal oppprtunity
Dont dare to say that our fruitful overpopulation is positively the roota everona our biggest problems
Watch you keep very quiet about anything that might cost good families jobs and, especially, money

Better not insist that the gumint likes us being proudly-ignorant cause it makes us easier to convince

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