Friday, April 11, 2014

Misguided Socialist Complaints:SAD!

    “I am telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder” - Matthew 5:22
That fat, lazy Texan smoking in his oversize truck with the windows up in the grocery store fire lane
The jetskis, snowmobiles, ATVs, jeeps and dirtbikes behind fatass RVs with hot tubs and generators
Some useless former actor-politician pimping seniors reverse mortgage scams with a con artist smile
That libertarian free speecher with his truck window decal showing himself pissing on our President

Those so terribly clever sales tactics silently decreasing sizes 20%, but not yet raising the price
Congress and the president taking August off as well as only working 2.5 days/wk with job security
The fact that Bush will soon be a hero notwithstanding all their so-stupid lies and so many deaths
Another clueless redneck spraying 150 decibels out the jacked up giant pickup he can’t even afford

All those stories you don’t see anywhere else and all those you’ll never see on the Fair and Balanced
Bribed opinion leaders trusting only in Jeeesus, smugly certain that climate change science is a scam
Programmed talking heads whose continued employment hinges totally on their pissing people off
A corporate stock rising and its furtive CEO’s bonus increasing - On the great news of more big layoffs

Hearing for 20 minutes that “your call is very important to us, please stay on the line for the next...”
Having that nice person say they don’t make the rules - and that nobody you can talk to does, either
Ram-tough truck owners who struggle just to get up off the couch to fetch more Cheetos and beer
Angry illiterates ready to bomb the shit out of people and places they can’t spell or find on a map

Seeing lower class whites vote for their republican outsourcers who view them as entitled moochers
Paying $100 a month for the 2 channels the kids watch 15 minutes a day but keep on on 24x7
Spending months playing gov’t shutdown brinksmanship while everything else remains totally ignored
Government forced into spanish by slimy politicians just looking for votes: Europeans never got that

A narrow focus on GDP and Employment %s over the natural systems that foster their very existence
Reading daily new reports about the current man-made mass extinction that enables our progress
Seeing that the only action on climate change is to slice up the thawed arctic for resource extraction
Corpros draining ancient aquifiers for free and letting it mostly evaporate, sprayed into the hot wind

Those whose incessant, mindless mantra is “The US is ThE Greatest Country on Earth, USA-USA-USA!”
Hearing cretins who can’t read menus spout ‘Only Here can you get rich by yer own hard work alone’
Being told over and over again that competition gives us ThE finest healthcare system on thE planet
The certainty that our constitution is the holy grail, handed down to our forefathers by almighty god

Having a responsibility to babysit the Muslim world while everbody else just sits back and criticizes
65 year old, part-time doctors “earning” $200k a year with full benefits whose patients make $8/hr
Falsely trumpeting expiration of tax cuts for their 1% donors as ThE largest tax increase in history
The zero-sum game of replacing a good old boy network with various minority empowerment groups

The Catholics refusing to ordain women while coddling pedophiles and dressing oh, so openly gay
SUVs & P/Us idling obesely in drivethrus for that arterial sludge AKA bacon-double-cheeseburgers
Ruggedly independent welfare ranchers decimating federal wetlands and demanding predator control
Leadership that consists of wearing suits and reading speeches tuned for the latest voter opinion poll

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