Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Geriatric Question, Final Solutions

    “Nature is cruel; Therefore we are also entitled to be cruel” - Adolf Hitler
At 50 all our workers become eligible for permanent external transfers and lose all promised benefits
It shall be established in court and buttressed by statute that age-related prejudice cannot be proven
Corporate bankruptcies can routinely renege on all pledges made to retirees – with no legal backlash
There is to be no shame associated with selling parents into poverty so that they can get on Medicaid

It will not be viewed as prejudicial to vilify the old for their disproportionate share of medical costs
Politicians ignore the aged at their own peril - until they’re sure they can win without their votes
It is a winning policy to gut social security funding in the guise of a payroll tax cut to win an election
Unlike the fats, blacks and gays, comedians may ridicule seniors in any way and context they see fit

We’ll just ignore all the crime which odiously targets the aged with slick and honest-sounding frauds
One tacit Traditional Family Value™ is that our frayed elders are as irrelevant as that old 20th century
Nobody needs ever ask how forced retirees will survive for 35 years without any savings or benefits
All shall silently agree that those no longer allowed to contribute labor have earned a duty to die

Seniors must wear easily-identifiable, ill-fitting, out of style clothes at all venues, public and private
The aged may be herded into expensive, gated communities which even they wont label as ghettos
Stubborn old fools who refuse to conform may dine alone on pet food while they freeze in darkness
The pre-funeral health industry is hereby granted access to smilingly drain the savings of our elders

Citizens may politely ignore their limping, half-blind, zombie-like demonstrations for social equality
Their faulty memories are not to be confused with the stressed data overload of our own blurry lives
Briefly mumbling at their expensive IC bedsides shall be deemed good enough to see them off forever
It is proper to drain their time and money as volunteers once they’ve been excreted from their jobs

Oldsters must self-identify by driving too slowly in tiredly-clean cars with right-wing bumper stickers
They shall be gathered together and fed donated food while listening to old music thru hearing aids
They must accept that costly, boring cruise ship tours really are the dream vacations of their lives
Over 60s will be prescribed different, brandname drugs by each doctor without regard to interactions

To cap their abusive medical expenses, the old must forever pay all the never-ending cost increases
After lifetimes funding parent’s social security, their own benefits must go for schooling illegales kids
They shall be convinced that daily slow limping and eating sawdust will yield them long and rich lives
Their non-profit interest groups may sell them out behind closed doors and then lie to them about it

The elderly have no need to understand criminally overly-complex retirement financial milking scams
The government may decimate senior savings by artificially holding interest rates below inflation
TV may smilingly patronize the old, showing them performing formerly simple tasks, Almost normally
Doctors are encouraged to get rich being surrogate friends and family to lonely and decaying retirees

There shall be no guilt associated with warehousing parents grown too burdensome for our busy lives
Geriatrics will be weaned off the entitlement mentality via forced feedings of Personal Responsibility
Seniors must lose their false entitlement regarding benes they were always told that they had earned
Doctors and relatives may discuss a flagging elder in the third person, as if they were not even there

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