Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Temporarily Cheaper Is Always Better

Save Money. Live Better – Wal*Mart Slogan
Traditional families shop price, happily oblivious to foreign labor standards or environmental controls
Sending your job overseas helps your neighbors enhance their lifestyles via savings on cheaper goods
Offshoring also applies to your darling children’s food, but not to worry about where it comes from
You can look the other way when they import those low-cost generic drugs - They’re probably safe
Otherwise disgusting offal can be extruded into profitable but less expensive snacks - Like McNuggets
Cheaper building materials designed to barely meet code will quickly fail in a fire or an earthquake
Asian designers & engineers cost less and work better with our offshore suppliers and manufacturers
The Cheap And Disposable keeps their peasants employed and our shoppers busy returning to stores

There’s less disappointment if the lowest price choice is DOA 1 out of 3 times, right out of the box
Eating, wearing and buying cheap food, clothes, toys, eGizmos & household plastics is our way of life
Its actually feels quite patriotic to offshore a corporation to reduce costs – and increase your bonus
And, when stuff breaks we just curse ‘cheap chinese sh*t’, But not the All-American brand importer

These days the so-called late adopters are really just smart folk waiting for the imported knock-offs
Cut-Rate imported foods & drugs are made to higher standards than their plastic junk, Sure they are!
But, industry self-regulation mandates a handsoff & not responsible attitude toward foreign suppliers
That’s why the cheaper at any cost philosophy has been so very profitable for clever multinationals

We don’t condone workers slaving 7x18 & living 15 to a room,but we do support it with our purchases
It’s not our problem if our need for savings removes environmental issues from producers priorities
It’s also certainly not our concern that peasant laborers cannot afford to buy the products they build
After all, most of that bad stuff happens faraway and overseas so it cannot possibly affect us at all

So, it’s OK if stripmining the ocean is the most efficient way to cheaper AllUCanEat seafood nites out
And burning coal to power our air-conditioners wins if it costs patriotic consumers the very least
Subsidizing frack-first & declare bankruptcy later due to clean up costs yields us cheap energy today
CorPro subsidized,water-gulping,pesticided,GMO-based monocrops on vast tracts yield $1.00 snacks

It’s just smart business to produce meat by focusing solely on cost-containing its factory production
Funny how the cable, internet & cell oligarchies don’t have to compete on price though, ain’t it?
You must admit, its easier & less confusing for consumers to simply shop the bottom line-all the time
Meanwhile, foolish trend-setters pay 3-4X as much for the same stuff we’ll pick up later at Wal*Mart

Uninspected chinese baby food is far cheaper than ours and probably theres no longer melamine in it
Same goes for their tainted drywall that was the cheapest available but got lots of people real sick
They’ve certainly decontaminated those chicken stick snacks that killed off 3-400 of our family dogs
And Wild Caught Alaska Salmon that’s such a buy but ‘product of China’:Not to worry…it’s clean, right?

Those dirt cheap imported phones, tablets & laptops aren’t pickled in spyware either…They promise!
Its a shame we cant outsource healthcare cause maybe then we could even compare treatment costs
And don't forget, we need disposable, quietly-illegal pickers to cheat so we can have cheap tomatoes
So, it’s such a great deal, it doesn’t matter if we buy way more than we need and toss half of it away

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