Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Let A Deplorable Freedom Ring

Hey! Caint nobody tell us not ta suck down 42oz. BigGulps all day long…if that’s what we wanna do
Aint the gotdam goverments biness if I wanna injoy triple beef bacon cheeseburgers ever damn day
And I kin drive my loud, giant, jackedup pickup any way I want cause I’m the one payin fer her fuel
Ya see, them are choices I make all on my own - And aint that what our sacred fureedom’s all about?

They flat caint make me go ta somedamn spensive health club and do whatever st00pid exercisin
Aint nobody got no right ta make em putt the freakin calories all over the place, way up in my face
eFinARight right we aint standin fer no assault weapon ban, ammo trackin or background checks
By god our kids love hotdogs and it’s about our freedom of choice - not them washinton regelaters

Its like that reciclin BS - Why on gods green earth would enybudy do that if they wasnt brainwashed?
We caint let the bastards choke off our patriotic coal industry and deny us our energy independunce
And them traitorous liberals are all the time tryin to give over our precious sovernty ta them UN nutz
So sicka know-it-all women govermint esperts tryin tatell us not to eat stuff that tastes just great

Look, the only thing them regelaters ever do is cost us honest, hardworkin folks lotsa jobs and money
Gotta stop them teachin that sinful, unproved evilution and bring back school prayer and bible study
We jest gotta repeal that unconstetutional obamacare socialist government healthcare takeover mess
And we also hafta end alla that wasted ferin aid thats financin our enemies and bankruptin us

I gots ever right ta use my SUV as a 3 ton personal air-conditioner or heater wherever I’m idlin in it
Get the damn FDA outta my like colun with their fool rants about baloney, sausage and pepperoni
Pull that disgustin NPR & PBS crap off the air cause a free people are sicka payin fer their elitist lies
Closedown that job-killin EPA, fire alla their burycrats and roll back everona they overreachin rulins

Hey, we dinit fight thather Revelooshunerie War ta be takin over by their revoltin seculer socialism
Aint spendin nethin on that messa bad science, twisted facts and lies athat so-called climate change
It’s high time we stud up ta be counted as aginst them preverted dope smokers tryinta enslave us all
Won’t see me all like knotted up in ther confusin details when there’s a good black or white choice

Wont let em demotivate our heroic job creaters by takin from them ta waste on alla them moochers
Damn straight I deserved ta have my bogus credit card debt written off - so I could go get some more
We support tappin all calls, posts and tweets cause honest, freedom-lovin citizens got nethin ta fear
Aint never givin up eatin outta fastfood plastic fer that godawful brocolli or pusish tofu

Not gonna stand fer them turnin this land into the USSA – United Socialist States of America, No Sir!
I say turn the firehoses on them idiots tryin ta WTF? humanize our efficient family meat production
We demand access ta all our public lands and we aint talkin about gotdam lameazz hikin, neither
And you jest better keep yer greedy, socialistic hands wayaway from my medicare, by the way

Well, hell no we aint payin no taxes jest cuz they foreclosed on our underwater, former ATM, house
Gotta keep them thievin illegales outta here but you kin bet I aint pickin no shitty vegetables
Elitists got it rigged sos only they kin git elected - By promisin more benes and not ta raise no taxes
We stand shoulderTashoulder with the 1% ta maintain our divinely-ordained constitutional freedoms

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